The Heroes of Battlefront II are mainly Jedi, but also major characters from the films. Each level has a different hero for each faction (GAR, Imperial Army, etc).
After fulfilling the goals set in the Hero Options screen (e.g. earn 10 points). You are able to obtain the services of one of these Heroes to aid you. Each has a different ability and will last a limited amount of time. The time, represented by a lightsaber bar, will decrease faster if the player does negative things such as spawn-camping or killing teammates. The bar will increase if the player kills numerous enemy units or vehicles. Each team gets one Hero at a time, but there can be more than one Hero for each team per match if the Heroes are unlocked more than once. Each Jedi has the ability to use Force Jump and Force Speed. The Force Sensitive characters also each get two of seven special techniques. They are Force Pull (Jedi only), Force Push (both), Force Choke (Sith only), Force Lightning (Sith only), Saber Throw (both), Force Water Orb (Kit Fisto only) and Starblades (Asajj Ventress only).
In Hero Assault Mode, multiple heroes occupy the map. The lightsaber health bar is replaced by the standard non-hero health bar.
Light Side Heroes[]
Galactic Republic[]
Hero Name | Weapon | Abilities | Location |
Yoda | Lightsaber (green) | Unleash, Presence speed push | Kashyyyk, Dagobah, Polis Massa, Tantive IV |
Aayla Secura | Dual Lightsabers (blue, green) | Force Pull, Saber Throw | Felucia, Jabba's Palace, Bespin only available through Xbox Live patch |
Mace Windu | Lightsaber (purple) | Force Push, Saber Throw | Yavin 4, Geonosis, Coruscant |
Obi-Wan-Kenobi | Lightsaber (blue) | Force Push, Saber Throw | Tatooine, Utapah, Naboo, Death Star, Mustafar, Kamino |
Ki-Adi Mundi | Lightsaber (blue) | Force Pull, Saber Throw | Mygeeto |
Rebel Alliance[]
Hero Name | Weapon | Abilities | Location |
Yoda | Lightsaber | Force Pull, Force Push | Dagobah |
Luke Skywalker | Lightsaber (green), Lightsaber (blue) (as pilot only) | Force Push, Saber Throw | Death Star, Jabba's Palace, Coruscant, Mygeeto, Yavin 4 Arena,Bespin, Hoth (as pilot) |
Han Solo | DL44 Blaster, Fusion Cutter, Detpack | Rally | Endor, Utapau, Kamino, Mos Eisley, Rhen Var: Citadel, Bespin (CTF), Tatooine |
Chewbacca | Bowcaster, Guided Rocket, Time Bomb | Rage | Kashyyyk, Yavin IV, Felucia, Rhen Var: Harbor |
Princess Leia | Suppression Carbine Sporting Blaster w/ sniper sight, Thermal Detonators | Invulnerability | Tantive IV, Naboo, Polis Massa |
Obi-Wan Kenobi | Lightsaber (blue) | Force Push, Saber throw | Mustafar |
Dark Side Villains[]
Confederacy of Independent Systems (CIS)[]
Hero Name | Weapon | Abilities | Location |
Count Dooku | Lightsaber (red) | Force Lightning, Force Choke | Geonosis |
General Grievous | Two Lightsaber/Four Lightsaber combo (blue, green) | Rage | Utapau, Tantive IV, Dagobah, Mygeeto |
Jango Fett | Westar-34 Blaster pistol w/sniper sight, Flamethrower, Wrist Rocket, Time Bomb | Jetpack | Kamino, Kashyyyk, Felucia |
Darth Maul | Double-bladed Lightsaber (red) | Force Push, Saber Throw | Mos Eisley, Coruscant, Naboo, Polis Massa, Jabba's Palace, Yavin IV, Mustafar, Rhen Var Citadel |
Darth Sidious | Lightsaber (red) | Force Lightning, Force Choke | Death Star |
Asajj Ventress (Only available through Xbox Live Patch) | Fiber-cord linked lightsabers (red) | Starblades, Force Push | Bespin, Yavin 4: arena, Rhen Var: Harbor |
Galactic Empire[]
Hero Name | Weapon | Abilities | Location |
Darth Vader | Lightsaber (red) | Force Choke, Saber Throw | Tantive IV, Hoth, Dagobah, Endor, Bespin |
Emperor Palpatine | Lightsaber (red) | Force Lightning, Force Choke | Death Star, Polis Massa, Naboo, Coruscant, Rhen Var: Harbor |
Boba Fett | EE-3 Blaster Rifle, Flamethrower, Wrist Rocket, Detpack | Jetpack | Kamino, Yavin IV (Temple & Arena), Kashyyyk, Utapau, Felucia, Mygeeto, Jabba's Palace, Mos Eisley, Rhen Var: Citadel |
Anakin Skywalker | Lightsaber (blue) | Force Choke, Saber Throw | Mustafar, Coruscant (Story Mission Only) |
Note: Both maps for Bespin and Rhen Var maps are also available through the XBL Patch only.
Neutral sides/creatures[]
On certain levels, there are three way battles between the two normal sides and a neutral side, and on others, the natives join a certain side. In addition, there are native creatures that will attack anything that comes across their path. The Jawas on Mos Eisley are an exception, being completely non-aggressive.
Name | Location | Affiliation |
Acklay | Felucia (only in Campaign Mode) | Hostile |
Ewok | Endor | Rebel Alliance |
Gamorrean Guard | Jabba's Palace | Hostile |
Geonosian | Geonosis | CIS |
Gungan | Naboo (only in Hunt Mode) | Republic, Rebel Alliance |
Jawa | Mos Eisley | Neutral |
Rancor | Jabba's Palace | Hostile |
Tusken Raider | Mos Eisley (only in Hunt Mode) | Hostile |
Wampa | Hoth (only in Hunt Mode) | Hostile |
Wookiee | Kashyyyk | Republic, Rebel Alliance |