Star Wars Games
Star Wars Games

Stormtroopers firing down from a walkway on Cloud City.

Bespin: Cloud City is a level on the game Star Wars: Battlefront, and also in Star Wars: Battlefront II with a Xbox Live patch only. It is playable by all factions, the GAR, the CIS, the Galactic Empire, and the Rebel Alliance. In the level, the player is able to battle in famous scenes like the garbage chute that Luke Skywalker jumps down into and the Carbon Freezing chamber, as well as in a nearby court yard and overpass, which provide the map's command posts.

There is also another Bespin map, called Bespin: Platforms. You can see Cloud City from there, but you cannot fly to it as you will be leaving the battlefield, and if you continue towards it your aircraft will explode.


If you spawn in the corridor at the very beginning of the match, you can use weapons and thermal detonators to kill a huge number of enemies at the command post on the other side of the corridor. When there are less numbers, you can then rush to the command post and seize it. A couple of enemies will probably spawn there before you capture it though. Then you should either capture the command post near the turret on the ground below you or follow the raised path to the next command post. Once one of these is taken, proceed to take the others.


When playing as a jet trooper, it is possible to go outside the boundaries of the "normal" map. This is done by flying over the walls near the carbon freezing chamber. However, you cannot exit the entire map and go into a void.

In the Film[]

Cloud City was featured in Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back. Notable events that occurred there include the carbon freezing of Han Solo, the first duel between Luke and Vader, and the famous line: "No! I am your father!" In The Empire Strikes Back, it is the home of Lando Calrissian. Cloud City seems to be a wealthy place, shown when Lando says, "You belong up here in the clouds".

