The Confederacy of Independent Systems, or CIS was the rebel force during the time of the Clone Wars. They consisted of major trade guilds such as the Trade Federation, the Commerce Guild, and the Techno Union.
Count Dooku was their leader until his death, then it was Grievous and then finally Nute Gunray.
The Confederacy used a Battle Droid army. This army generally consisted of B-1 Battle Droids and B-2 Super Battle Droids with the occasional Droideka thrown in with them.
See Also[]
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes
- Star Wars: Battlefront
- Star Wars: Battlefront II
- Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron
- LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game (Non-canonical appearance)
- LEGO Star Wars: The Original Trilogy (Non-canonical appearance)
- LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga (Non-canonical appearance)
- Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds: Clone Campaings