The Interior Of The Ithorian Compound On Telos, As Seen In Knights Of The Old Republic II.
The Ithorian Compound on Telos was an establishment for the Ithorians on Citadel Station who were trying to restore the planet surface. For a long time they were attacked by mercenaries from the nearby Czerka Corporation. The compound housed an Ithorian Priest, Chodo Habat, and many other Ithorians.
The Ithorian Compound was built in 3,959 BBY after the bombing of Telos IV. It was originally constructed for the headquarters for those trying to help in the Restoration Zones. It was then run by the Ithorians.
Arrival Of The Jedi Exile[]
3,951BBY saw the arrival of the Jedi Exile to Telos. At this point, Czerka was fighting over restoration zones with the Ithorians using mercenaries provided by Loppak Slusk, head of The Exchange. After Loppak Slusk was killed by the Exile, the remaining mercanaries were in control of Czerka, who made a final attack on the compound. The Exile defeated the remaining forces, shutting down Czerka.
After The Jedi Exile[]
Little is known of what happened to the Ithorian Compound after the Exile left.
See Also[]
- Ithorian
- Chodo Habat
- Loppak Slusk
- The Exchange
- Czerka
External Links[]
Citadel Station Ithorian Compound on Wookieepedia, the Star Wars Wiki