Star Wars Games

Kashyyyk: Docks was a section of Kashyyyk that was attacked by the CIS in Star Wars: Battlefront.

The basic layout consists of two docks, which start under CIS/Imperial control, a beachhead farther back, which is also under CIS/Imperial control, as well as a neutral beach, two raised huts which start under Republic/Rebel control, and a main command hut that stands a little way back from the beach and starts under Rebublic/Rebel control.

On Kashyyyk, the Wookiees aid the Rebellion and the Grand Army of the Republic.


Many gamers believe that Kashyyyk: Docks is unbeatable, but this of course is not true, although it is much harder than many of the other battles.

Successful tactics versus AI unclude sniping infantry below, across the way and on the beach and using recon drones on groups of infantry and vehicles as Republic/Rebels, and taking an AT-ST or AAT up the side to the village as a pilot and capturing it then switching to sniper class on death and sniping defenders on the upper levels of both sides as CIS/Empire.

