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Anakin's Flight is a level in LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga.

Overview: Intended for the original LSW, but cut at the last minute, this mission details young Anakin Skywalker's attack with Bravo Flight on the Trade Federation Control Ship during the Battle of Naboo.

Vehicles: Naboo Starfighter

Enemies: Vulture Droid, Turbolasers


Area 1: You'll cut across the dorsal face of the Droid Control Ship. Your objective, in addition to wreaking general havoc, is to find four torpedo targets and smash them. There are two on either side of the ship. Once they're trashed, the hangar will open, so fly inside.

Area 2: You're now flying through the hangar. Blast whatever you can. At the back end is a hangar with a red button and purple module. Blast the red, and torpedo the purple. If you're out of torps, blast some objects to see if one or two cough one up, or just go back outside (or use infinite). In the next hangar, there are now four objects to shoot down, two to blast, and two to torp, which opens up the next gate.

Area 3: This is the ship's main reactor. First, you need to shoot down the two wall objects powering its shield. With that done, take three torps and fire them at the gun defending the reactor to blow up its three purple spots. Now, there's a weird shield thing going on here where shields extend and rotate, and you have to keep up with them. When they go down, blast the little lights on the ground near the reactor. You'll have to blast more than once to get all of them.


New Vehicles: Naboo Starfighter
