Star Wars Games
Star Wars Games

The GNK "Gonk" droid

A power droid was a box shaped droid that was used as a power source. It was often known as the "Gonk" or "GNK" power droid due to the "GNK" sound it often made. A generator on legs, these bipedal machines create enegry through their slow, methodical movement.

Star Wars: Battlefront series[]

In the Star Wars: Battlefront series, power droids are used as an Ammunition droid, which gives unlimited ammounts of Ammunition to soldiers and droids within a certain radius.

Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy[]

The droid also appeared in a few levels of Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy. In the game the droid served no purpose other than embellishment although, if the player activated the droid it made the familiar "GONK" noise.

Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds: Clone Campaigns[]

In Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds: Clone Campaigns the power droid was used to power buildings.

LEGO Star Wars[]

Lego Gonk Droid

GNK "Gonk" droid

This droid is available from the start and costs 350 studs. It is very hard to kill, you can only use the force to push it down though. The gonk droid has no weapon of special ability. It is worth noting that in Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga you can obtain a red brick extra known as "Super Gonk". When turned on, it turns the slow, plodding Gonk Droid into a fast-walking speed demon. This "cheat" also gives Gonk one of the highest jumps in the game.

