Rebel Soldiers are the mainline fighters of Rebellion. They don't feature in as many games as their Stormtrooper opponents, because the player is usually on their side and hero-centered games rarely include diverse allies.
Star Wars: Battlefront series[]
Rebel Solders are the regular infantry unit in Star Wars: Battlefront, its sequel and theStar Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron.
Like all mainline infantry, they're armed with a blaster rifle, blaster pistol and 4 thermal detonators, with anti-vehicle concussion grenades also available to them in the first game. Their blaster rifle has 300 ammo, which is the highest for infantry, but is otherwise identical to the equivalents. It will be replaced by the Elite Rifle after player manages to kill 12 enemies with it. The latter always has 144 ammo and fires in second-long purple 5-shot bursts instead of continous blaster fire, with one burst usually being enough to kill enemy troops.
The blaster pistol and Thermal Detonators in Battlefront are the same no matter which class wields them. The pistol has infinite ammo but overheats after too many shots, and will be replaced by Elite pistol after 6 kills with it (see Battlefront Achievements for more information).
When AI-controlled, they will always use their rifles against their enemies, never having to switch to pistols. They will use the Thermal Detonators against any vehicles or in crowded places. They will occasionally crouch to avoid fire, but lack any awareness of cover or the health/ammo droids. They can also roll away from the thrown thermal detonators or particularly heavy fire, but this is unusual.
Star Wars: Empire at War series[]
"Ready to roll!"
In the Empire at War strategy and its expansion Forces of Corruption, the five-man squads of Rebel Soldiers are the basic Rebel infantry unit. You will usually start the game with 6 squads under your control and you can recruit more at the Barracks, paying 320 credits for two squads.
Like all other infantry and heroes, they can capture landing zones and neutral structures, which is what you'll be using them for the most part. They're armed with basic blaster rifles and their only ability is to take cover, which will increase their defence at the expense of the movement speed.
In combat, they will easily defeat the Stormtroopers, even though the latter squads are nearly twice as large. They will also triumph the AT-STs and perhaps the Pirate Skiff. All other vehicles will eventually defeat them though, and you should especially avoid engagements with TIE Maulers, as they will simply be able to run them over. 2-M Repulsor Tanks are also bad targets because their shields regenerate too fast for them to inflict any harm. Finally, all heroes an obvious no-go zone, especially since some can use Force Corrupt to permanently turn them against you.